Getting off the boat at boca 6am, we cld already feel the heat. Uff, its going to be a boiling survey day. All 30ish nests looked untouched, and after marking over 85 turtle tracks we head back heat stricken.
My lemons and lemonade were drank by this weeks workshop peeps, together with my prize coke can.... Grrr, so i was forced to postpone MC until further notice. Hurray because it was a festive eating day after all.
The roof of our dorm is a metal shield, which on days like these keeps us happy, if we were iguanas. Unfortunately we are NOT. Sleeping in our days oven not an option so i choose a sauna couch time to watch me new favorite show: mad men. I loaded all 5 seasons and started
watching last night during my insomnia time between red eye shifts (this new working schedule is going to work wonders for my already calleneged sleep when i return, luckily i have 9 royal excedrin pms left for the remainder ofmmy time... To use wisely). Already on my 9th 48 min episode and am quite taken by don drapers use of words and cabronness. one of todays episodes draper and the boss go for lunch hr martinis and oysters, which reminded me of my happy hr days w caro atmoceanaire. Mmmm one more thi gnto add tomthe when i get back list.
Headache heat continued throughout, luckily our wonderful coordinator scheduled our 2nd pool excursion. Flwd by an education project w 60 kids from the elementary in the town across the river. Very cute. Bellys full of more variations of rice and beans, courtesy of the school group, i am getting geared up tonpatrol.
My first night patrolling w the moon out since training. Very excited about not going out wearing nature blindfold. Nomrecord yet, but nestor is coming out tonight entonces todo es posible.
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