Sunday, September 4, 2011

Meet the Crew

Catalina González es Bióloga de la Universidad del Tolima (Colombia). En el 2008 participo como asistente de Investigación y realizo su tesis de grado sobre el efecto de la observación turística de la tortuga verde sobre su comportamiento de anidación. El año pasado estuvo en Estados Unidos recibiendo entrenamiento en anillamiento de aves.

Después de tres años de larga espera esta otra vez en Tortuguero disfrutando los maravillosos paisajes que la naturaleza ofrece en este lugar. Estar rodeada de rio, mar, playa, bosque y por supuesto muchas tortugas es su sueño hecho realidad y como misma ella dice: Es muy gratificante despertarme todos los días y saber que voy a hacer lo que más me gusta: Trabajar por la conservación de las Tortugas Marinas. Su trabajo como Coordinadora de Campo ha sido muy enriquecedor tanto a nivel personal como profesional y espera poder seguir participando en proyectos de tortugas marinas en el futuro.

Delfina Comesaña. Graduada en Ciencias Biológicas, en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Su máxima  aspiración:  “salvar al mundo”, y así empezó con las tortugas marinas. Pasando primero por Uruguay, luego Ecuador y actualmente en Costa Rica, donde dice estar cumpliendo un Gran sueño. Es aquí donde colabora con la STC. Su experiencia está siendo maravillosa, adaptándose al duro trabajo de campo, pero aún así, mantiene intacta su felicidad; siendo parte de ésta no sólo las tortugas, sino también el intercambio de diferentes culturas e idiomas con sus compañeros de trabajo. Le gustaría especializarse en medicina de la conservación y así poder rehabilitar y reintroducir especies marinas a su ambiente. Esta vivencia la ayudará a tener más herramientas a la hora de salir al campo y a concientizar a la gente  en cuanto al consumo ilegal de las mismas.

Andrew Farrell worked in a bar before coming to work with the Sea Turtle Conservancy in Tortuguero. He is an undergraduate from Bangor University in Wales, UK. Earlier this year he also did field work for GVI (Global Vision International) in Costa Rica. He was involved in various projects. His previous experiences also include working at an aquarium in Wales.  Andy wanted to work as a research assistant for the STC to gain more field work experience and learn more about field surveying techniques, field methodology, etc. He sees this as a great opportunity to get more experience in tropical ecology and would like to continue with a Master’s degree in the future. He also dreams of working for the British Antarctic Survey one day.

Giuliana Schroeder (aka Gigi) is from Mexico and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Humanities from Soka University of America.  Her conservation work began five years ago, offering Communications and Outreach services for several nonprofit organizations.  Through her collaborations with groups in Baja California Mexico, such as The Ocean Foundation, Pro Peninsula, and Grupo Tortuguero, Gigi was introduced to the Sea Turtle Conservancy.  Her colleagues tempted her throughout the years to enroll as an RA at STC, saying it was an adventurous test to oneself as a person and that “the experience marked their true starting point of dedication for marine conservation.”  Notably she did, marking her first non-desk research assistant position.  She believes experiencing this firsthand as an RA will strengthen her ability to spread the message of conservation as a communications consultant for the environment in the future. 

Carolyn Hann completed her undergrad at Carleton University and graduated with a Biology Honours Degree and a Minor in Psychology.  Recently, she completed her Masters in Conservation and Biodiversity at the University of Exeter in the UK.  Carolyn has worked in animal care with domestic and wildlife species for most of her life.  She has experience in rehabilitation of indigenous turtles to Ontario.  Carolyn has gained further experience working with volunteer organizations around the world where she fell in love with conservation.  She came to work with the Sea Turtle Conservancy to gain valuable skills in the field and learn more about sea turtle conservation.  From this experience she hopes to develop a career in marine conservation and more specifically work to minimize human impacts on sea turtles, especially impacts related to plastic pollution.

Ana Vilma Henriquez is a Biologist from El Salvador, working on marine conservation research projects with a focus on sea turtles.  She has a high interest in giving back to communities through the implementation of environmental education and community development programs, and therefore contribute to a better quality of life. She came to Tortuguero because she would like to acquire more knowledge and technical experience in the field of sea turtle conservation, and therefore apply it in the future in her country.

Seh Ling Long has a Bachelor’s Degree in Conservation and Biodiversity Management as well as a Masters from University of Exeter in the same field.   She is interested in gaining more field knowledge in the area of marine conservation, which is why she enrolled with Sea Turtle Conservancy.  She would like to apply her new knowledge in a future career as a marine biologist or consultant in her home country, Malaysia, contributing also to the areas of ecotourism.

Nestor Sanchez Tamara is community development leader and environmental activist in his town of Lechugal, Colombia.   He is currently the legal representative of the community organization APROESMASIL, Amigos Protectores de Especies Marinas y Silvestres (Friends and Protectors of Marine and Wild Species).  With the support of the Conservación Ambiente Foundation, he arrives to Tortuguero, with the conviction of enriching his knowledge towards sea turtle conservation, to thus strengthen his conservation project back home.

Björn Johansson is a tropical ecologist from Sweden. He studied Ecology Masters at Linköping university and carried out thesis research in Peru. Before arriving at the STC, Björn worked with large Northern hemisphere carnivores at an animal park and also studied short time in Borneo. He was attracted to Tortuguero to gain more field research experience with reptiles with hopes to become a tropical field herpetologist in the future.

Borja Garzon Casado es graduado en ciencias ambientales y master en ecología. Le gusta profundizar en los vínculos naturaleza-sociedad.  Vino a Tortuguero de forma altruista y vocacional. En busca de experiencias donde aprender e intercambiar todo tipo de conocimiento.  Afirma que tiene mucho que aportar en la conservación de especies y gestión de ecosistemas como base del bienestar humano. Su experiencia y formación en la sustentabilidad de comunidades locales puede ser interesante para aplicarla en Tortuguero, a la vez que quiere conocer el caso práctico de desarrollo del ecoturismo.
Es su primera experiencia con tortugas marinas y le está siendo fascinante. El trabajo diario le es gratificante y constructivo. Siente que la multidireccionalidad del aprendizaje es palpable en la estación biológica. Todos aprenden de todos y se divierten juntos aplicando un protocolo de conservación serio y profesional. Aman las tortugas y son conscientes de su necesidad de conservación.

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