Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Full Moon and Full Sun

and half sleep.

Last night we had a wonderous full moon, and im happy to have spent it patrolling with the lovely Emma Harrison, the Directos of CCC, and Abelardo, our latest addition.

the patrol night was usual, we worked 4 turtles, marked a nest, and as the early shift brings, had quite a few turtle crosswalk encounters.  One worth mentioning: 

As we were looking for our second tican turtle on our first mile, we encountered a turtle returning to sea... and as we always do, we politely and statueesquely held our positions.  This time, however, where we held our positions happened to be where the next mile 2 2/8 turtle wanted to pop out.  she came out, surveyed the area and must've thought, "i dont remember these odd looking trees being here... eh."  She carries on.  literally bumped into us, made a quick diagonal swerve and turtled on up.  lit by the moon, i was able to see her on mission in detail.  Tortuguero HD. haha.  pretty cool.  happens a lot.  im still taken.

Abelardo did great, enjoying teaching him the ropes.  And it was also my first night out with Emma in a small group, who i'd already decided is awesomo. she simply continued strenthening that sentiment.

Few sun risinghrs later, Abelardo and i decide to hit the morning survey at 5ish to try and beat the heat. nope. Heat was there. but so was this friendly cinnamon coloured doggy who followed me on my entire 5 mile track, letting menknow when danger was near (she sniffed and got scared after spotting jag marks...moments later a new turtke victim). she was even good with hatchlings.  :). Could this be a new turtle patroler?

Abelardo:  his first days tracking.... we had to redo some 1/8s and i had to work both ends of the beach... but he's cool so i kept my cool.  he's growing on me, especially now that he's comfortably become a smiley chatterbox.

Heeeeeeat. we excavated. and i had the nose plug priveledge of looking thru the remaining rotten eggs, depradated, pipped, half or full embroyed, and multi maggotted eggs.  i struggled.  im glad there wasn't an audience. Yuuj!

we also found two live but "damaged" hatchlings. broke my heart to see they we lacking either in frontal or posterior flipper abilities.  tried my best mama them into the water. &nbs hope theyll do well with only one pair of functioning flippers.  b r o k e   my  h e a r t.

Came back thirst and delirious full.... Directly to my assigned cinderella chores, where one ofnthe tasks includes sensibly brushing the sand of every page of both our patrol books with a toothbrush. this monotenous act reminds me of Harold Crick (will ferrell)in stranger than fiction, when filing hundreds of irs audits, saying the folder made the "same sound as a wave scrapping against the sand." I to o have listened to enough waves To constitute a "deep and endless ocean."

Haha . A bloggers creative right to exaggerate and embelish

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